Kweepa is back with another text based entry. This time written in Basic. It's a Spectrum based quiz game and he's called it SpecTriv 18. This is the only information I was provided with:
"Here's another entry. It's a sequel to a 2014 entry." - Kweepa, 2023
No loading screen, and the file does not auto run, but that is ok, as we can look at the code. As this is a trivia game, maybe this is a bit of an issue as it means you can scope the answers before starting the game.
Why is this Spectriva 18? Is this really monthly? I have no idea, and nothing has been explained by Kweepa.
The first round, your task is to look at Frogger clone UDG's and determine if this was a paid for game, or free as part of a type in. You indicate your option in the most ridiculous way possible, by typing either 'free' or 'fiver'. Surely just typing 1 or 2 would be easier?
Round two is an anagram game, where I felt a little uneasy with the adult theme of some of these anagrams, which got progressively worse as I played. I am terrible at anagrams, so I was glad to see you can type 'hint' for help, which was badly needed for me.

The game then becomes very tricky. You have to guess the mash up of two spectrum title crashed together. Here, you are required to type in long and exact phases. You only get one chance to get it right and one miss-type is an immediate fail.
The forth round is called Space Madness. Here you have a game title, that includes the word 'space' and some other words. The other words have most of their letters hidden, and you have to guess the title. This includes typing the word space. Why not just type the missing words?
The fifth and final round is called 'Seek Well the Sequel', where you have to name the lesser known sequel of a better known game. Operation Wolf had a sequel! I exclaimed, giving you a hint of how well I didn't do on this round. After that you are given a score out of 36, and then the game has a STOP command that drops you back to basic.
Mrs Bizzel is very good at anagrams, but, in her words... 'I don't know nowt about spectrums, how am I supposed to play it?'
She got 'Space A**' correct somehow, and 5 out of 6 on the frogs.
Final remarks,
Fun for five minutes. Although trying to type the exact phase was frustrating. I think Spectrum folk might find this quite fun the first time, although its of limited replayability as there is not much variation a second time around.
Could be a party game for when you have all your spectrum chums round ;)
Get it here!
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